What Is Holding You Back From Wanting To Make Money?

What Is Holding You Back From Wanting To Make Money?

Why do many small businesses owners struggle to make any or enough money? These days especially, it seems every single small business owner is complaining that they do not have any money. However, they don’t want to do anything to help alleviate that pain. I am witnessing this all too often right now.

It could be that they do not have any goals for the future such as wanting to be a six or seven figure earner. Many small business owners, for some reason, just want to run their business and make just enough money to get by and pay their bills. Yet, it is these types of small business owners that find themselves overly stressed when it comes to money. They keep complaining that they don’t have the money to do anything. Yet, when you offer them an opportunity to help them make money, the do not take it. I know this sounds stupid, but it is a fact! How many of you know someone that I just described? Everyone probably knows at least one person. These types of small business owners are not visionaries, and unless they change their businesses are the one’s most likely to fail.

Lean Startup: A Blueprint for Non-Technical Industry Innovation

Lean Startup: A Blueprint for Non-Technical Industry Innovation

In today’s rapidly evolving business ecosystem, adaptation is not just a buzzword; it’s a survival strategy. Historically associated with tech-centric ventures, the Lean Startup (LSU) methodology has revolutionized the way companies approach product development and customer engagement. However, its utility extends far beyond the Silicon Valleys of the world. This thought leadership piece explores how non-technical industries can harness the power of LSU core elements to spur innovation and drive growth.