Which Drives More Sales Now? Google Ads or Social Media?

Which Drives More Sales Now? Google Ads or Social Media?

If the owners of any company you are working at are not looking for consumer engagement but rather to promote their products to get sales, then you need to be creating and managing Google Ads. Google ads is where consumers are actively searching for what you offer. Social media is mostly passive users who will need persuading. That is why majority of content you see on social media nowadays are videos that are quirky, entertaining, and educational. It is not about selling on social media, it is about connecting with your audience. Also, keep this in mind that majority of users on social media are what we call lurkers. They are just passively scrolling though their feeds.

While Google Ads excels at capturing immediate sales opportunities, which appears to be what your company’s owners are looking for, social media plays a crucial role in brand recognition and “long-term” customer engagement. Social media platforms offer businesses the chance to build relationships with their audience through engaging, educational, and entertaining content (DeLane, 2024).

It’s important to note that organic social media interactions tend to foster brand loyalty and advocacy rather than immediate sales (Dam, 2024). The key here is to create content that resonates with your audience and encourages interaction, even if the direct sales impact is less pronounced than with Google Ads.

The challenge with social media is that the platforms are filled with “lurkers”โ€” users who consume content passively without actively engaging (Mahoney, 2024). To capture their attention, it’s vital to create visually appealing and easily digestible content. Short-form videos that are entertaining such as what the Facebook page The Weens publishes, eye-catching graphics, and concise captions are effective in reaching this audience. 

Billy Gene of Billy Gene is Marketing says that to succeed on social media, companies should focus on the three E’s of creating content that educates, entertains, and engages their audience. Here are some strategies to consider:

  • Educational Content: Share tips, tutorials, and insights related to your industry to position your brand as an authority and provide value to your audience.
  • Entertaining Content: Use humor and storytelling to capture attention and make your brand memorable. Quirky videos and memes can go viral, increasing your brand’s visibility.
  • Interactive Content: Encourage audience participation through polls, Q&A sessions, and contests. This not only boosts engagement but also provides valuable feedback and insights.

For businesses prioritizing product sales over consumer engagement, Google Ads should be at the forefront of their advertising strategy (DeLane, 2024). According to Delane (2024), hereโ€™s why:

  • Active Search Intent: Google Ads targets users actively searching for products, making it a powerful tool for driving immediate sales.
  • Conversion-focused Approach: Craft ad copy and landing pages with clear calls to action, ensuring a seamless transition from advertisement to purchase.
  • Cost-efficient Bidding: Optimize bids to focus on high-converting keywords, maximizing return on investment.


Dam, D. M. (2024, September 17). Organic vs paid social media: Everything there is to know. Socialinsider Blog: Social media marketing insights and industry tips. https://www.socialinsider.io/blog/organic-vs-paid-social-media

DeLane, J. (2024, March 7). Utilizing google ads & facebook ads to reach a wider audience. Digital Delane. https://digitaldelane.com/utilizing-paid-advertising-platforms-like-google-ads-and-facebook-ads-to-reach-a-wider-audience

Mahoney, M. (2024, July 11). Understanding and engaging social media lurkers. Understanding and Engaging Social Media Lurkers. https://blog.gaggleamp.com/social-media-lurkers


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