4 Reasons You Need To Be Blogging For Business

4 Reasons You Need To Be Blogging For Business

I know first-hand how hard it is to create new blog articles to expand your online presence for your small business. It simply isn’t possible to fit everything in! As a small business owner, you have to take care of your customers that are coming into your business. Then you have to handle the bookkeeping at the end of the day. You might be able to squeeze an hour or two to write a blog article, or some other marketing activity that will keep the flow of new customers coming in. Taking all of that into account, you are probably working about 18 hours a day, 7 days a week. My experience in digital marketing tells me that blogging for business is a very effective way to make sure your brand gets noticed, and ultimately, more businesses and revenue will result. However, you have to be consistent. You have to create a schedule and stick to it. Even if it is only 1 blog article per month.

In this article, I am going to explain the four top reasons why you as a small business owner should be blogging for business, as well as some expert tips for creating an effective digital marketing strategy.

Blogging For Business Needs To Be a Part of Your SEO Strategy

SEO has been so important to your online marketing plan, but what does it really mean? The term “SEO” stands for “search engine optimization,” which is the process of maximizing the number of visitors your website receives by ensuring that it appears high enough in the search results of a search engine. The key to getting more traffic lies in integrating content, or blog articles in this case, with search engine optimization and social media marketing. You will have a better chance to make more money if you have more visitors to your website. That’s the whole point of creating a website for your business, isn’t it? But there’s a catch: the organic search rankings is not paid traffic. It is free traffic, and it takes time to cultivate. SEO is something that every small business owner can utilize to their advantage provided that your new content is original content.

Those of you familiar with internet searches (like perhaps the one that led you here) know that it’s not enough just to write good content – you have to keep it up-to-date and consistent. You should, for example, post content about everything related to baking every week if you own a bakery. A blog post featuring your latest recipes, or a social media post showing off your confections, or a newsletter featuring your latest special promotions are all straightforward ways to create consistent and relevant content on the web. Is this content really necessary? Your website will receive more traffic when people search for that wedding cake when you regularly post original and useful content.

You Become a Thought Leader For Your Target Audience

Who is your first port of call when you need solid advice? Has this person ever met you before, or are they someone you know well? The brain is wired to pay more attention to advice from people you know than from strangers. Even though you’ve never met your clients, you’re an expert at running your business. You have lots of insightful advice to share with them, even if you haven’t met them. What are your methods of proving your trustworthiness? Original content, of course.

It is still your business because of YOU that makes it unique, even if it is just one of many. Don’t be afraid to inject some personality into your content. There are many ways to engage with potential clients; for example, you can share your inspiration for starting the business, add a video to your website, and humor can work wonders for connecting you with your audience. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by how many potential clients you’ll connect with if you run with what feels natural to you and your business.

Original and Educational Content for Social Media Helps With Your SEO

We are going to try something. Click on the shared post on your Facebook page and scroll down. An advertisement, a blog post, a meme are all possibilities. Click on the original post for whatever it is. Has that original post received any likes, comments, or shares? There’s probably a ton, right? If you are like most small business owners, you wish you could get the same kind of traction with your business posts. You’re in luck – it’s possible!

You want to give clients something they will never see before on social media. In order to be unique, don’t try to reinvent the wheel. Be different enough so your followers are inclined to share your content. Your visibility online increases every time you share a post. Are you recalling what we discussed about SEO? Your SEO will improve when you get more likes and shares, so you will receive more traffic to your site and ultimately make more money.

Educate your audience

When it comes to blogging for business, the goal is to generate new clients. Providing only advertisements can lead to potential clients losing interest because they feel that they aren’t getting anything in return. Your online presence can also be used to educate your target audience about various topics as they related to your business. You will feel more valuable if you give your audience something “for free.”

A lawn and landscaping business could be useful to homeowners if they explain to clients how they can design their backyard to grow their own food by incorporating food forests. If you own a pop up kitchen that goes around town setting up like a food truck, you could perhaps share some of your recipes on your menu as blog articles, making it easy for your customers to try and make their menu items themselves. Content like this is much more important for cultivating a relationship with potential clients than to directly increase sales from this educational content.

Is your business struggling to create and publish original blog articles? Wiener SquadMedia can help with that. Contact us today to learn how we can optimize your business’s online presence with original blog articles.


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